Spoootown Bracket Team List

Total Participants: 160
Total Teams: 32

Team Name Team Owner Member Member Member Member Sound Command Emote
buggerbagels baXcast BeachGirI RazgrizSympatiko gdog12345678 kenny0the0king -- --
The Dingle Runners GlowDazed Tom_Celery Thepoopship Semaph Azeruth42 !allstar spoooRun
Kratos Spinners Admiral_Kratos VengenceGoW QueenOfKratos duck_duck_jeep onefinedayyy !Kratos UnicornSteering
Fatal Finishers aXeh0le75 maskofblades PirateQU33N78 badax23 danielj_06 !fatality FATALITY
Bloopers LiveChess cremefraicheonu Darbot_ron Rydorian1 purpletowie21 -- --
Infinite Marbs GuiltySpark343i tokuio BIGGIE63 kimetSimet islint0n -- --
The Soldiers SgtSarros SaraTiggs Kyttaen chromegadget301 qu1ck51lv3r !loser --
Mass Hysteria Macsen Rolling_Wonder kenwarf04 CrazyWolfheart Miikman32 !bustin MTBustin
I M A dingus! franciscopakkoabrantes JustChillmeng DaSmellyYooper spoontree wise_rabbit !nuts hackerCD
Turtle Gang SoSerious35 bennypok81 Dydjey570 Kwolf1974 obelixamax -- --
Yimaz Team YizuzMtz24 StevenAlexanderC SlEGFRIED GrumpyMitch imjova_ -- --
Marble Warriors sammbm Chide72 CastleGreySkull SonOfChide72 cashbank -- --
The Dip ShellyBaby94 Bagamaagan danzaJED1 Phoenixprinz_ HundredNicklePickle Where’s the dip? spoooGasm
Maple Nut Balls 76dee76 thagamebegins 2Lazy2Care cal95291 Shiverhug !maple maple_leaf
The Wiggle Room shywiggle misterandrson twistedgemini68 aWolfsLife RaverRusty !wiggle --
Beeches itsnicolle MudweiserTJ88 Michaelangelo_88 jojo_modjo Smurph20 !beeches Hey_Beech
Spoooble Reapers jcliff_gaming chrismasfreak ChickenR00 BlastoiseHS dgnoah1981 -- --
Squires squire377 ladysquire377 redsqu1rrel AnaShadowstar TheGloriousJVB !wicked --
Rigged Team anysdc rogeriussss emfa_993 w_emblema ZurdoKing9 -- --
Spring Chickens TheeHuntMusic McNutzz SnailRuns terrynicol1312 Housebugg -- --
Stream6 Takeover Loverulesusall Aimeeo Xxbladenightxx Karushka BigMommaSasha -- --
Plinko Chips PlinkoWin iiHazeI GoldenTotoro Coryash Mouz1i -- --
Zeebles zebrajenn7 Hearthookone SeanTheBullShark Potter513 birdwatchingstu -- --
Shadow Bears ShadowHunterFIZZ gianttiger22 IamFiltiarn Vinyl_Record_King tammidefoe !berk shadow_bears
Deez Nuts FTW LEL_UK FRAME_of_M1ND IN33D2P 16bitghost alam3x -- --
Ballzinga a1bengal Ian2773 doodLurve Victorious_ RaisinReds -- --
Let's Ride INO_Jun ODINromi Levy2k6 KillspreeManiac St4n_BZH !letsride pepeCowboy
Spooo's Scoops Spooo PixelbyPixelStudios quietbadger3 suzybeagle AreKade -- --
spoooNFTs burtkjac hugodias245 aLLamaLurks wannacuddle83 amp_1977 -- --
Goody Bag HGoody07 phardy92 Enderzworld London_Monarch rydog1981 -- --
The Tugboats DaveTuggy BlingJony Hawkeye_510 QueenTayXo IttyBittyIrishLass !Tugboat TugBoat
Team pingouin volant xTypherx Salamanca_Donatello derifeloli_ abillard68 pichuso77 -- --